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What is SIFoCC?

SIFoCC is a forum which facilitates collaboration between the world’s commercial courts to promote and support best practice and the just and effective resolution of commercial disputes. Find out more about SIFoCC

What events do SIFoCC run?

SIFoCC hosts a regular full meeting every 18 months, each full meeting is generously hosted by a SIFoCC member. Previously it has been hosted in London, New York, Singapore, Sydney and Qatar.

SIFoCC participates in CMJA and other judicial conferences to raise the awareness and profile of SIFoCC. Furthermore, SIFoCC runs roundtable discussions on important, emerging issues that would benefit from judicial collaboration. If you would like to find out more on how to get involved, please visit our Events page

How often are full in person meetings held?

A full in person meeting is held every 18 months, however, attendees are welcome to join virtually. Visit our events page to find out more information about our next event.

Are there meetings or events that happen between the full meeting?

Between full meetings SIFoCC continues to engage with partnership organisations throughout the year. SIFoCC runs an annual observation programme in the UK. In the lead up to full meetings there are several roundtable discussions to help explore themes more fully and contribute and shape the discussion at the full meeting. Visit the observation programme page for more information.

Who is involved in the day to day running of SIFoCC?

The judge with day-to-day responsibility for SIFoCC is Mr. Justice Robin Knowles. He is supported by the SIFoCC Secretariat who are based in London and led by Niké Adewale. SIFoCC is guided by the SIFoCC steering group who also settle the roadmap of 4 themes ahead of each full meeting.

How can I join?

Membership to SIFoCC is open to jurisdictions that have a specialist commercial judiciary, or who intend to establish a commercial court or dispute resolution body and have a commitment to active participation in SIFoCC. Jurisdictions are invited to join SIFoCC, however, if you would like to be considered for membership, please contact the Secretariat.

How does membership work?

SIFoCC is free to join and participate in, members are only asked to fund their trips to full meetings. However, there is also the option to join remotely. Membership is open to jurisdictions rather than individuals or specific courts.

Are there working groups?

Yes, SIFoCC establishes working groups on a case-by-case basis when they are needed.

What is the Judicial Observation Programme?

The Judicial Observation Programme is an intensive week of observation and mentorship in the commercial courts of another (host) jurisdictions. It is a form of peer-to-peer judicial engagement. During the weeklong visits the participating judges observe commercial cases, receive mentorship, meet with the profession, meet with the senior judiciary. Visit the Observation Programme page to find out more.

How do I contribute to the Articles, Judgments and Speeches page?

If you have a relevant article, judgment or speech that you would like published on the SIFoCC website please contact the SIFoCC secretariat and attach the file in PDF format