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Articles, Judgments & Speeches


10 documents

Decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal

The Republic of India v Deutsche Telekom AG [2023] SGCA(I) 10 in relation to the subject of transnational issue estoppel

The Spirit of the Judicial Task and the Importance of International Judicial Dialogue

Speech given by The Honourable James Allsop AC, Former Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia at the Fifth Full Meeting in Doha, Qatar on Sunday 21st April 2024.

SIFoCC playing its part as a cornerstone of a transnational system of commercial justice

Speech given by The Honourable the Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, Supreme Court of Singapore

Piercing the corporate veil

Where a company is involved in activity that is alleged to be wrong or cause harm, how far and in what circumstances can responsibility or liability reach beyond the company to others, whether to other companies or to individuals? This address by Chief Justice Allsop from Australia’s Federal Court includes consideration of a number of recent decisions that bear on this question which is of increasing interest and relevance. Particular consideration is given to group corporate structures.

The role of Commercial Courts in the management of complex disputes

What happens when cases become so factually rich and complex that they become practically impossible to adjudicate? This complexification of commercial disputes is a subject of increasing concern which Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon explored in a keynote speech at the 7th annual conference of the International Academy of Construction Lawyers.

COVID-19 insurance coverage – trillions of dollars at stake?

Trillions of dollars potentially are at stake over insurance coverage claims for Covid-19 business interruption losses and civil authority business closures. This article from April 2020 looks solely at cases and proposed legislation in the United States addressing those issues.

Artificial intelligence and legal decision-making: The wide open?

Artificial Intelligence and Legal Decision-Making – The Wide Open?” provides an insight into the use of AI in the context of arbitral and judicial decision making. The article examines the use of different methodologies in predicting decisions before going on to explore the issues around data and AI.

Victor – Beauty or the beast

Share their thoughts in this interesting thought piece on the way in which the Supreme Court of Brazil is using AI to reduce the initial analysis time of petitioned cases from 40 minutes to a few seconds. The pros and cons of this are discussed, sparking a healthy discussion around the ethical and practical uses of Artificial Intelligence in justice systems around the world.

The new litigation landscape – International Commercial Courts and procedural innovations

A consideration of why new International Commercial Court around the world have been created, and the rationale for specialist commercial jurisdictions. He discusses procedural innovations, the impact of technology, enforcement, and the part played by SIFoCC.