Membership is open to jurisdictions with an identifiable commercial court or with courts handling commercial disputes, or those who intend to establish a commercial court or dispute resolution body, and have a commitment to active participation in SIFoCC. The judiciary of the country becomes the member, rather than any individual judge.
Membership of SIFoCC involves participation with a unique international network of judges:
- to share knowledge and expertise
- to tackle shared problems, and
- to prepare for major future change and development.
Membership offers the opportunity:
- of developing sustainable peer-to-peer relationships at judicial level
- of sharing best practice and support in its wider application, and
- of assistance in building capacity.
There is no cost to join SIFoCC but, in most cases, members are expected to meet their own costs when attending full meetings including travel and accommodation.
SIFoCC membership comes with:
- the opportunity to attend SIFoCC meetings and
- the opportunity to participate in international working groups
- the opportunity to participate in developmental programmes and activities
- updates from SIFoCC and the SIFoCC membership
- assistance from the secretariat
Interested parties should contact the SIFoCC secretariat.